Today as I prepare for bed, I noticed that i started to recall different experiences from my past, which have not made me feel good. It seems that negative talk and thoughts come so easy, we may not realize that we are doing it. Sometime we cant take these things back and they can be harmful to a persons character. It is my intention to remain mindful of how I treat others. The key is to give positive energy so that you my attatract more of it.
I have sat down and read the Sccret twice and I have also watched the video which is available to stream from Its center is getting us to question what we really want and what we tend to focus on. Our thoughts are a direct link to our feelings and can alter our mood and energy. I want to take some time to reprogram myself and bring the things I want to me.
Just in the past few minutes, I have decided to focus on controlling my thoughts; by telling myself so After an hour and a hot shower, I felt aire of peace. Its essential to find a way to enjoy the life we have in order to grow. I made a hand written list of things I’m greatful for and it helped me realize how abundant my life truly is. What I would like to do is to keep the momentum going and get things on track for continued growth and positive chnnge in my ennvironment
QI wonder how many people I know are using the principal and seeing a change in their life? Think i will look for a group online to commune with on the idea. I believe this partains to Albinism in tthe sense that many of us have not had a lot of positive experiences with acceptance, growing up with the condition. Can the law of attraction change that? Its one thung to wish things were different, but by focusing on things that make you smile and put you in a different mindset, perhaps we could connect more positive experiences with other people. Could perspective turn things around. ..
Accepting ourselves and embodying this internally

will surly affect the connections we make and others feel that frequency with no verbal commmunication. Would love to activate ‘this in my career and use it to get closer to completing goals that will change life as I know I know it. To sometjing biggger and more positive than I could imagine. What’s the turn around time, you say? I’m loolong to see a change by June 30th I would like for more people to check this out and use ‘tips for changing your mood to bring you closer what you want. Will do a follow up and share my results. Follow me on snap chat and share your experience.